Batioladinium gochtii

Batioladinium gochtii, (Alberti, 1961), Lentin and Williams, 1977

Originally Broomea, subsequently (and now) Batioladinium?, thirdly Necrobroomea, fourthly Imbatodinium.
At the time of the transfer, Lentin and Williams, 1977, questionably included this species in Batioladinium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Batioladinium pomum Davey, 1982, according to Below, 1990.
Tax. sr. synonym of Batioladinium varigranosum (Duxbury, 1977) Davey, 1982, according to Below, 1990. Below, 1990, suggested that this species may be only a more distinctly granulate variety of Broomea (now Batioladinium) jaegeri Alberti, 1961. Below, 1990, gave the citation, 'Necrobroomea gochtii (Alberti, 1961) comb. nov.". Lentin and Williams, 1993, questionably retained this species in Batioladinium.

Holotype: Alberti, 1961, p.5, fig.8
Locus typicus: Bohrung Schönow near Berlin, Germany
Stratum typicum: Valanginian

Original description as Broomea gochti: [Alberti, 1961, p. 27]: (Translation: LPP):

Shell flattened, outline elongated oval, turnip shaped. Largest diameter of shell just below the equator. Long, ¦ delimited, at the end pointed or slightly blunted apical horn. Usually just one very short, antapical horn developed. Surface of the shell rough, often covered with tubercles.
Epitheca more conical than the smaller hypotheca. Second antapical usually not developed. On some specimens a nearly rectangular, rounded pylome is developed. Membrane of pale yellow color.

Holotype - length 93 µm, breadth 46 µm, length of apical horn 16 µm, antapical horn c. 4 µm.
Range - length of shell 70-84 µm, breadth 32-44 µm.

B. gochti differs from other species in the outline of the shell, in possessing tubercles on the shell surface and the development of just one antapical horn. The second one is usually totally reduced.

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Batioladinium gochtii (Alberti, 1961) Lentin and Williams, 1977b. Below (1990, p. 53) considered this species to be possibly a more distinctly granulate variant of Batioladinium jaegeri. According to Alberti (1961), the body is elongate-oval with an often long apical horn and very short offset antapical horn. Surface rough, with small tubercles.
Size: length 70-84 µm, width 32-44 µm.
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