Ceratiopsis speciosa ssp. glabra

Ceratiopsis speciosa ssp. glabra, (Gocht, 1969), Lentin and Williams, 1977

Combination illegitimate since the generic name Ceratiopsis is illegitimate.
Now Cerodinium speciosum ssp. glabrum. Originally Deflandrea speciosa forma glabra, subsequently Deflandrea speciosa ssp. glabra, thirdly Ceratiopsis speciosa ssp. glabra (combination illegitimate), fourthly (and now) Cerodinium speciosum ssp. glabrum, fifthly (and now) Cerodinium glabrum. This taxon was raised to the subspecies level by Lentin and Williams, 1973. Stover and Evitt, 1978, transferred this subspecies to Deflandrea Eisenack, 1938. Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained it in Ceratiopsis.

Holotype: Gocht, 1969, text-fig.3
Age: Late Paleocene
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