Chlamydophorella nyei ssp. largissima

Chlamydophorella nyei ssp. lagissima, (Singh, 1971), Below, 1981

Now Chlamydophorella largissima. Originally (and now) Chlamydophorella largissima, subsequently Chlamydophorella nyei ssp. Iargissima.
Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained this taxon as a species of Chlamydophorella.

Holotype: Singh, 1971, pl.76, figs.5-6
Locus typicus: Peace River Area, Canada
Stratum typicum: Middle Albian

Original description as Chlamydophorella lagissima: [Singh, 1971, p.378]:

Test approximately sphaerical with a short apical projection; body covered with numerous, medium-sized, 1 µm wide, equal, hollow processes with bifurcate tips; processes supporting a delicate membrane enveloping the test; processes perpendicular to the surface of body, and a parallel to polar axis in the apical region; enveloping membrane covering the apical projection and prolonged into a short neck;
cingulum not seen.
archaeopyle apical;
body and processes thin walled and hyaline.

Size range: Total length, including processes 82 µm; total breadth, including 57(62)67 µm.
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