Dapsilidinium marinum

Dapsilidinium marinum Singh, 1983

Holotype: Singh, 1983, pl.41, fig.7
Locus typicus: Upper Shaftesbury and Dunvegan Formations of the Peace River area
Stratum typicum: Cenomanian

Original description: Singh, 1983, p. 121
Skolochorate cysts; central body spherical, finely granular, bearing over 60 hollow, distally open, intratabular processes; two or more processes present per paraplate area; processes 6-11 µm long and 2 µm wide; tips of the processes slightly expanded and finely serrate; length of the processes 1/5 to 1/3 of the diameter of the central body; archeopyle apical, type tA.
Size range: Overall dimension including the processes 36(44)54 µm. Holotype 53 µm. Diameter of the central body 25(31)38 µm. Holotype 36 µm. Length of the processes 6(8)11 µm. Holotype 7 to 9 µm. Specimens measured 12.

Singh, 1983, p. 121: Dapsilidinium marinum can be distinguished from Dapsilidinium multlspinosum (Davey) Bujak, Downie, Eaton and Williams, 1980, which has more numerous and distinctly longer processes. Dapsilidinium warrenii (Habib) Lentin and Williams, 1981, differs from D. marinum not only in possessing more numerous and distinctly longer processes but also in having processes with straight, truncate distal ends. Dapsilidinium ? pumilum (Davey and Williams) Lentin and Williams, 1981, is distinct in being significantly smaller and possessing processes with recurved tips.
The specimens with apical archeopyle, illustrated as Polysphaeridium subtile Davey and Williams, 1966, by Harland (1973, pl. 86, figs. 3, 6) and Mclntyre (1974, pl. 13, figs. 3, 4) from the Campanian of Western Canada, most likely belong to D. marinum.
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