Dapsilidinium multispinosum
Dapsilidinium multispinosum (Davey, 1974) Bujak et al., 1980
Originally Polysphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Dapsilidinium.
Holotype: Davey, 1974, pl.7, fig.4
Locus typicus: Sppeton, England
Stratum typicum: Early Barremian
Original diagnosis: Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
The central body is spherical to subspherical and bears numerous narrow, tubular processes. The cyst wall is relatively thick and scabrate. The processes are thin walled, stiff, more or less parallel sided and terminate with a few short fine spines. They are one half to one third of the central body diameter in length. The archaeopyle appears to be apical and the operculum usually remains in place.
Central body diameter30x31 µm27(33)38 µm
Process length13-16 µm9-16 µm
Original description: Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
The wall sculpture is difficult to determine and appears to be composed of numerous, elongate granules; this gives a roughened or shagreen appearance. The processes rarely taper distally and although are very thin walled they are not often distorted. The distal spines are sometimes reduced and difficult to observe. The archaeopyle is relatively large with a slightly angular margin; it appears to be apical in position.
Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
P. multispinosum is distinguished by the possession of a scabrate cyst wall, numerous parallel side processes and an attached apical operculum.
Originally Polysphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Dapsilidinium.
Holotype: Davey, 1974, pl.7, fig.4
Locus typicus: Sppeton, England
Stratum typicum: Early Barremian
Original diagnosis: Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
The central body is spherical to subspherical and bears numerous narrow, tubular processes. The cyst wall is relatively thick and scabrate. The processes are thin walled, stiff, more or less parallel sided and terminate with a few short fine spines. They are one half to one third of the central body diameter in length. The archaeopyle appears to be apical and the operculum usually remains in place.
Central body diameter30x31 µm27(33)38 µm
Process length13-16 µm9-16 µm
Original description: Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
The wall sculpture is difficult to determine and appears to be composed of numerous, elongate granules; this gives a roughened or shagreen appearance. The processes rarely taper distally and although are very thin walled they are not often distorted. The distal spines are sometimes reduced and difficult to observe. The archaeopyle is relatively large with a slightly angular margin; it appears to be apical in position.
Davey, 1974, p.60: Polysphaeridium multispinosum
P. multispinosum is distinguished by the possession of a scabrate cyst wall, numerous parallel side processes and an attached apical operculum.