Deflandrea pulchra

Deflandrea pulchra Benson, 1976

NOW Spinidinium? Originally Deflandrea, subsequently Spinidinium, thirdly Magallanesium, fourthly (and now) Spinidinium?

Locus typicus: Round Bay, Maryland
Stratum typicum: Early Paleocene

Original diagnosis: Benson, 1976, p.194
Cavate cyst, peridinoid outline with intratabularly arranged coni on periblast. Periphragm and endophragm each about 0.5 Ám in thickness. Reflected tabulation 4", 3a, 7", ?c, 5""", 2"""". Apical horn with two short spines on antero-lateral margin, the spines directed anteriorly. Archeopyle intercalary (Type I/I) with posteriorly and occasionally laterally directed accessory sutures. Cingulum levorotary, offset up to 4 Ám. Sulcus strongly developed, may extend up to 5 Ám on epitract. Left antapical horn longer than right. Endoblast closely appressed to periblast, may protrude slightly into antapical horns.
Dimensions: Holotype: Periblast length 69 Ám; width 50 Ám; endoblast length 46 Ám; width 46 Ám; apical pericoel 13 Ám.
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