Deflandrea speciosa ssp. glabra

Deflandrea speciosa ssp. glabra (Gocht, 1969) Lentin and Williams, 1973

NOW Cerodinium glabrum. Originally Deflandrea speciosa forma glabra, subsequently Deflandrea speciosa subsp. glabra, thirdly Ceratiopsis speciosa subsp. glabra (combination illegitimate), fourthly Cerodinium speciosum subsp. glabrum, fifthly (and now) Cerodinium glabrum.

Holotype: Gocht, 1969, text-fig.3
Age: Late Paleocene

Gocht, 1969, p. 10-11:
Alberti describes D. speciosa from the Late Paleocene strata of Gorlosen in Mecklenburg. A very similar form occurs also in the high Paleocene in Meckelfeld, however the characteristic surface spines are lacking.
The outline of the form glabra corresponds well with Alberti"s illustrations, and therefore also with the previously described finds from the Meckelfeld Early Eocene. The smooth, not very thick-walled inner body is broader than high, and touches the lateral margin of the outer membrane. The apical horn is produced at some length and acute-angled; the two antapical horns, also acute, diverge sharply. One specimen has an archeopyle. The membrane surface is smooth.
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