Tanyosphaeridium ellipticum

Tanyosphaeridium ellipticum (Cookson, 1965) Davey and Williams, 1969

Now Distatodinium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Tanyosphaeridium, thirdly (and now) Distatodinium.
Holotype: Cookson, 1965, pl. 11, fig. 1
Paratype: Cookson, 1965, pl. 11, fig. 2
Locus typicus: Brown"s Creek Greensand, Aire District, SW Victoria, Australia
Stratum typicum: Late Eocene

Original description: Cookson, 1965, p. 87: Hystrichosphaeridium ellipticum
Description: Shell elliptical in outline, untabulated, thin-walled with about 30-45 hollow appendages of varying lengths and widths which tend to be more numerous in the vicinity of apex and antapex (pl. 11, fig. 2, 3). Archeopyle apical with a truncate edge. Appendages simple or branched, unequal in size, narrowing distally from base to broaden again apically; apices funnel-shaped, varying considerably in both width and depth, rims fringed with fine, branched processes the ultimate branchlets frequently visible only under oil immersion (pl. 11, fig. 3a) cavities of appendages traceable to the main processes fringing the rims (pl. 11, fig. 3a). Shell-membrane c. 0.5 µm or less thick, two-layered, outer layer smooth in optical section, finely and closely granular in surface view, sometimes more conspicuously so near the bases of the appendages especially at the antapex.
Dimensions: Holotype-overall length c. 187 µm, overal width c. 109 µm; shell 101 x 52 µm. Range-three open shells, length 83 µm, width 47-52 µm; appendages 21-39 µm long.
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