Diconodinium glabrum

Diconodinium glabrum Eisenack and Cookson, 1960

Originally Diconodinium, subsequently (and now) Diconodinium?. This species was questionably retained in Diconodinium by Morgan, 1977.
Holotype: Eisenack and Cookson, 1960, pl.1, fig.11; Morgan, 1977, pl.2, fig.4a-c
Locus typicus: Oodnadatta bor, W Australia
Stratum typicum: Late Albian-Cenomanian

Original description: Eisenack and Cookson, 1960, p. 4
Shell fusiform, epitheca usually longer than hypotheca, girdle prominent, "longitudinal furrow" strongly or weaklt outlined; apical process prominent, usually slightly bifid, antapical process well developed and sharpely pointed. Shell-membrane smoth inoptical section, surface either completely smooth or sparsely dotted with tiny granules.
Dimensions. Type 120 Ám long, 70 Ám broad. Range 62-142 Ám long, 41-72 Ám broad.

Supplemental description: Hultberg, 1985, p.
Proximate cyst, composed of autophragm only. The surface of the autophragm is smooth. The shape of the autophragm is biconical, with one single apical, and one single antapical horn. Both horns are sharply pointed. No indication of paratabulation is present, except archeopyle. The archeopyle is intercalary, type I, formed by the detachment of paraplate 2a. Operculum is often attached.
Paracingulum and parasulcus are clearly indicated by folds in the periphragm.
Size - 43-60 Ám (length), 18-36 Ám (breadth).
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