Diphyes spinula

Diphyes spinulum (Drugg 1970) Stover and Evitt 1978

Originally (and now) Lingulasphaera, subsequently Diphyes.
Holotype: Drugg, 1970, fig.11D
Locus typicus: Dale County, Alabama, USA
Stratum typicum: Early Eocene

Original description: Drugg, 1970, p. 817: Lingulasphaera spinula
Chorate cysts, spherical to subspherical, ornamented with numerous processes. The wall is two-layered, endophragm thin and smooth, periphragm thin and finely granulate. The archeopyle is apical and is five sided in outline (see Figs. 10 G, 11 D). It corresponds to Evitts type Aa archeopyle consisting of four apical plates (Evitt, 1967, p. 33, fig. 33). Plates 2" and 3" are clearly visible and the isthmus, which connects the operculum to the main body, is so wide as to clearly represent plates 1" and 4" even though a dividing line is not visible. The processes number about 50 and are 9 to 16 Ám in length. They are hollow and are closed both proximally and distally. They taper to endings which are acuminate to finely capitate (see Fig. 12 B). Some of the processes bifurcate about halfway along their length. A single broad (about 7 Ám) tubular process is present in a generally antapical position although seemingly offset from being exactly antapical. The distal end is closed except for a small opening (see Fig. 12 A). The tract diameter, excluding processes, ranges from 29 to 33 Ám.
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