Disphaeria hypoflata

Disphaeria hypoflata Yun, 1981

NOW Turnhosphaera. Originally Disphaeria, subsequently (and now) Turnhosphaera.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Nelsoniella glomerosa (name not validly published), according to Slimani (2001a, p.194).

Holotype: Yun, 1981, pl.9, fig.1; Fensome et al., 1991, fig.1 p.651
Paratype: Yun, 1981, pl.9, fig.2
Locus typicus: Timmermann brickyard near Esbeck, Germany
Stratum typicum: Early Santonian
Translation Yun, 1981: Fensome, 1991, p. 654

Original diagnosis: Yun, 1981, p. 51
A species of Disphaeria with an epipericoel. The paratabulation of the periphragm is indicated by folds or very occasionally by ridges. The paratabulation is as follows: ?", 5", 6""", 1"""". A large precingular quadrangular archeopyle is present in both layers.

Original description: Yun, 1981, p. 51-52
The spherical endocyst has a dorsal precingular endoarcheopyle. A periarcheopyle is also dorsally situated. The smooth or perforated pericyst is divided into a large, inflated epicyst and a small hypocyst by a paracingulum which occurs as simple folds. Apart from the trapezoidal postcingular and precingular paraplates, there are an antapical and a triangular apical plate, both undifferentiated.
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