Imbatodinium radiculatum

Imbatodinium radiculatum (Davey, 1982) Mehrota and Sarjeant, 1984

Originally Batioladinium, subsequently Imbatodinium.
Tax. jr. synonym of Batioladinium (as Necobroomea) longicornutum (Alberti, 1961) Brideaux, 1975, according to Below, 1990.
Holotype: Davey, 1982, pl. 5, fig. 8
Locus typicus: Haldager No.1 Borehole, Denmark
Stratum typicum: Ryazanian

Original diagnosis: Davey, 1982, p. 21: Batioladinium radiculatum
Shape: Basically elongate, dorso-ventrally flattened; broadest in the paracingular region. Apical horn long, gradually tapering and proximally merges with the main part of the cyst body; distal part is solid with internal vacuoles. Two relatively short antapical horns are present; they taper rapidly distally and are strongly vacuolate throughout. They may give rise to irregular branches or may be bifurcate.
Wall: Apparently autophragm only.
Paratabulation: Paracingulum may be defined by aligned granules.
Ornament: Epicyst mainly smooth to lightly punctate. Granules and tubercles gradually start to appear towards or in the paracingular region and become more abundant on the hypocyst.
Archaeopyle: Apical with deep parasulcal notch.
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