Florentinia deanei

Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.

Plots are based on the following information

Location Taxon Source Calibration Age (Ma) Paleolatitude
North Sea Compilation Florentinia deanei Costa and Davey, 1992 1 in amm_b_Prionocyclus germani 89.49 45.78159402
400A Florentinia deanei Davey, 1979 0 in nan_u_BC27 103.27425 39.52431514875
400A Florentinia deanei Davey, 1979 1 in nan_u_BC23 109.95675 38.94049853625
Pueblo Florentinia deanei Dodsworth, 2000 0.9 in plfor_A_Rotalipora cushmani 98.05657499999998 45.66614507305
364 Florentinia deanei Morgan, 1978 0.9 in nan_n_CC9 96.85725000000002 -23.031574554
east Kent Florentinia deanei Prince et al., 2008 0.9 in amm_b_Forresteria petrocoriensis 89.4 45.088554
Fumichon Florentinia deanei Tocher and Jarvis, 1994 0.33 in amm_t_Acanthoceras rhotomagense 95.9447 41.7626141776
Fumichon Florentinia deanei Tocher and Jarvis, 1994 0 in amm_t_Mantelliceras dixoni 98.37 41.60401896
Duneau Florentinia deanei Tocher and Jarvis, 1995 0.5 in amm_t_Metoicoceras geslinianum 94.36 41.91881925714286
Rodmell Florentinia deanei Tocher and Jarvis, 1996 0 in amm_b_Mantelliceras mantelli 100.25 43.1726805
Cordebugle Florentinia deanei Tocher and Jarvis, 1996 0.6 in amm_b_Mantelliceras mantelli 99.122 41.518248316000005



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