Florentinia torulosa

Florentinia torulosa (Davey and Verdier, 1976) Lentin and Williams, 1981

Originally Silicisphaera?, subsequently (and now) Florentinia?.
At the time of the transfer, Lentin and Williams, 1981, questionably included this species in Florentinia.
Holotype: Davey and Verdier, 1976, pl.4, figs.10-11
Locus typicus: Loffre Borehole, Nord, France
Stratum typicum: Turonian

Original diagnosis: Davey and Verdier, 1976, p.328: Silicisphaera? torulosa
The cyst wall is thick, densely microgranular and bears one process per reflected plate area. The processes vary considerably in width but are approximately of the same height. The apical, cingular, sulcal and antapical processes are relatively narrow whereas the preand postcingular processes are broad proximally and taper increasingly distally to terminate with a rounded outline. The processes are thinwalled and lightly granular. The archaeopyle appears to be precingular (3") but is not obvious.

Central body diameter57x58 µm 43-64 µm
Length of processesup to 18 µm17-21 µm
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