Gonyaulax orthoceras

Gonyaulax orthoceras Eisenack, 1958a, p.388, pl.21, figs.3–11; pl.24, fig.1. Emendation: Sarjeant, 1985a, p.51,53, as Cribroperidinium orthoceras

NOW Cribroperidinium. Originally Gonyaulax, subsequently Gonyaulacysta, thirdly (and now) Cribroperidinium, fourthly Cribroperidinium?. Helenes, 1984, and Jan du Chene et al,, 1986, considered this to be a problematical species of Cribroperidinium. Lentin and Williams, 1973, retained this species in Cribroperidinium Neale and Sarjeant, 1962.
Taxonomic senior synonym: Gonyaulax (as Cribroperidinium) edwardsii, according to Davey and Verdier (1971, p.17) — however, Lentin and Williams (1985, p.79) retained Cribroperidinium orthoceras.

Holotype: Eisenack, 1958, pl.21, fig.5; Sarjeant, 1985, pl.1, figs.1,4, text-fig.1; Jan du Chene et al., 1986, pl.24, figs.7-8
Locus typicus: N Germany
Stratum typicum: Aptian
Translation Eisenack, 1958: LPP

Original diagnosis: Eisenack, 1958, p. 388-389: Gonyaulax orthoceras
Shell tick-walled, ovoidal with nearly hemisphaerical hypotheca with stong, thorn-like apical horn of 1/4 of overall length. Girdle furrow spiral, bordered by low but thick sutures. Tabulation clearly visible; plate bounaries reflected by narrow, very low sutures which bear as the plates themselves short thorns or tubercles. Pylome trapezoidal, generally higher than wide.
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