Gonyaulacysta fragosa

Gonyaulacysta fragosa Brideaux, 1971

Tax. jr. synonym of Endoscrinium campanula (Gocht, 1959) Vozzhennikova, 1967, according to Harker and Sarjeant, 1975, and Brideaux and McIntyre, 1975.
Holotype: Brideaux, 1971, pl.24. figs. 44-45, text-fig.8c,d
Locus typicus: Alberta, Canada
Stratum typicum: Middle-Late Albian

Original description (Holotype): Brideaux, 1971, p.83
Length, 97 µm; width, 66 µm; apical horn length 25 µm. Main cyst body rhomboidal, elongate in the longitudinal axis; apical horn slightly tapering. Epitract including horn nearly twice as long as hypotract. Antapical region slightly flattened. Wall thin, scabrate. Cingulum visible as broad, folded band, nearly circular, about 10 µm wide. Sulcus extends onto the epitract, terminated by plate 1" apically and plate 1"""" antapically. Tabulation determined as 4", 6", 0c, 6""", 1p, 1""""; plates outlined by crenulated membranous ledges. Plate 1" is long and narrow, plate 6" small, plate 1"""" is small. Archeopyle not developed.

Description: Brideaux, 1971, p.83
Dinoflagellate cyst: outline pentagonal to somewhat rhomboidal, angular. Cyst wall thin and smooth. Cingulum nearly circular, marked by highly folded region in the mid-line and sometimes not well developed. Sulcus ill-defined but present on most specimens; slightly sinuous in shape, extending for about 1/3 or 1/4 of its length onto the epitract. Prominent apical horn, tapering. Low, folded sutures outline a relatively simple tabulation, not always well defined on all specimens; tabulation determined as: 4", 6", 0c, 6""", 1p, 1"""". Archeopyle precingular, trianguloid to trapezoid; operculum formed of plate 3".
Dimensions: Total length on 13 measured complete specimens, 92-118 Ám; width on 17 measured specimens, 73-88 Ám; length of apical horn on 10 measured complete specimens, 11-32 Ám Total of 24 specimens recorded.
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