Holmwoodinium notatum

Holmwoodinium notatum Batten, 1985

Holotype: Batten, 1985, text-figs.3D,5K-L
Locus typicus: upper division of the Weald Clay, Beare Green Brickworks pit, Holmwood, Surrey
Stratum typicum: upper Barremian,
Age: Late Barremian

Original diagnosis: Batten 1985, p. 432, 434
Proximate cyst of sphaeroidal to oval shape without spines or processes. Wall probably two-layered, total thickness I lam or less; periphragm closely adpressed to, but crumpled against, endophragm. Outer surface varies from almost smooth to finely granulate-murornate. Archeopyle type is Al, but frequently the epicyst is damaged with the apical and intercalary areas in particular showine evidence of thinnine, degradation and partial removal. A paracingulum is indicated by low marginal crests and often a slight indentation. Paratabulation uncertain. Overall size 28-38Ám.

Remarks: Batten 1985, p. 432, 434
The majority of the several hundred specimens of H. notatum recovered from the type and adjacent samples from the Beare Green locality show epicystal damage. The species was figured but not named in Batten (1982b, Pl. 8.llf; referred to as peridiniacean cyst type B).
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