Heliodinium voigtii

Heliodinium voigtii Alberti, 1961, p.33, pl.8, figs.1–5. Emendation: Sarjeant, 1966b, p.142–144, as Heliodinium voigtii

Now Hystrichodinium. Originally Heliodinium, subsequently (and now) Hystrichodinium.
Possible tax. jr. synonym of Hystrichodinium oligacanthum Deflandre and Cookson, 1955, according to Backhouse, 1988.
Holotype: Alberti, 1961, pl.8, fig.2
Locus typicus: Haverlahwiese, Germany
Stratum typicum: Barremian-Early Aptian
Translation Alberti, 1961: LPP

Original diagnosis: Alberti, 1961, p.33
(same as for genus) Shell polyedrical, partly rounded, sometimes ovoidal. Dorsoventral flattened. Epitheka slightly larger than Hypocyst or both of equal size. Tranverse furrow laevorotatory, slightly indented. Shell tabulate. Pre- and postcingular plates trapezoidal. Probably 6 preequatorial plates. Longitudinal furrow system present. On plate boundaries crests from which dagger-like processes arise.

Original description: Alberti, 1961, p.33
Sutures from which +/- long, basal widened processes arise are characteristic for H. voigtii. Six cingular plates are presumed, number of pre- and postcingular plates unknown. Postcingular plates trapezoidal. Longitudinal furrow relatively narrow. Membrane delicate and hyaline. Pylome trapezoidal.
Dimensions: Length of holotype: 48 Ám, breadth 38 Ám, length of processes 16-22 Ám. Range: length 49-60 Ám, breadth 40-56 Ám, length of processes 19-36 Ám.
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