Hexagonifera vermiculata

Hexagonifera vermiculata Cookson and Eisenack, 1961

NOW Trithyrodinium. Originally Hexagonifera, subsequently (and now) TrIthyrodinium.
Holotype: Cookson and Eisnenack 1961, pl.12, fig.6
Locus typicus: Victoria, Australia
Stratum typicum: Senonian

Original description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1961, p. 74
Shell oval to almost circular in outline, surface ornamented with close and rather heavy vermiculate thickenings or a small-meshed thin-walled reticuloid pattern. The lid is seldom seen in position but the 6-sided shape of the opening indicates its shape. Remains of an outer transparent membrane are sometimes present.
Dimensions: Type length 67 µm, breadth 58 µm. Range length 56-76 µm, breadth 47-70 µm.
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