Komewuia glabra

Komewuia glabra Cookson and Eisenack, 1960b, p.257, pl.39, figs.7-8. Emendation: Chen, 1982, p.32, as Komewuia glabra.

Originally (and now) Komewuia, subsequently Kalyptea.
Wiggins, 1975, transferred this species to Kalyptea Cookson and Eisenack, 1960, and Lentin and Williams, 1981, concurred. Dörhöfer and Davies, 1980, retained the species in Komewuia, as did Chen, 1982, when he emended the diagnosis.

Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1960, pl.39, fig.8
Locus typicus: Komewu, Papua
Stratum typicum: ?Tithonian

Original description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1960, p. 257
Shell flattened, rounded-rhombic in outline, longer than broad with rather strong, bluntly pointed apical and antapical horns of unequal length, the antapical horn being lomger, and sometimes a relatively large pylome just below the apical horn. Shell-membrane faintly granular, smooth in optical section. Dimensions: holotype - 132 Ám long, 102 Ám broad, lid of pylome 50x40 Ám. Range - 80-157 Ám x 66-104 Ám.

Synopsis: Chen, 1982, p. 32
Cysts biconical with angulation at paracingular area and with single apical and antapical homs; autophragm smooth, granular, reticulate, or irregularly ornamented with features of low relief; paratabulation indicated by Type P, precingular archeopyle.

Emended description: Chen, 1982, p. 32-33
Shape: Cyst biconical to rounded-rhomboidal with single apical and antapical horns; apical horn usually slightly longer, its apex often showing wartlike extensions (pl. 1, figs. 6, 7); both horns extensive.
Wall relationships: Autophragm only, thin.
Wall features: Parasutural features absent except sometimes partly indicated at paracingulum (text-fig. 1, h); autophragm rarely smooth, mostly granular, reticulate, or covered with features of low relief evenly distributed all over the surface or restricted to both horn areas.
Paratabulation: Indicated by archeopyle only, presumably gonyaulacacean.
Archeopyle: Precingular Type P (3" only); operculum free. auite often seen trapped inside autocyst.
Paracingulum: Generally not indicated, occasionally partly shown by granules aligned on two parallel lines immediately below the archeopyle (text-fig. 1, h).
Parasulcus: Generally not indicated, only suggested in three specimens (pl. 3, fig. 30; text-fig. 1, t).
Dimensions: (45 specimens from Madagascar measured) 115 (135-150) 190 Ám long; 70 (100-110) 120 Ám wide.

Chen, 1982, p. 33: K glabra differs from K. evittii and K stoveri in its prolonged apical and antapical horns and in its mostly granular and sometimes reticulate surface.
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