Hystrichosphaeridium anthophorum

Hystrichosphaeridium anthophorum Cookson and Eisenack 1958

Now Stiphrosphaeridium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Oligosphaeridium, thirdly Polystephanephorus, fourthly Hystrichosphaerina, fifthly (and now) Stiphrosphaeridium.
Tax. sr. synonym of Hystrichosphaerina schindewolfii Alberti, 1961, according to Davey, 1979. 66). Lentin and Williams, 1981, retained Hystrichosphaerina schindewolfii as a separate species.

Holotype: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, pl.11, fig.12
Locus typicus: Omatia, Papua
Stratum typicum: Aptian-Albian

Original description: Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, p. 43
Shell shpaeroidal and provided with about 10-15 stalked tabular appendages. The stalks of the appendages which are short and sometimes broad, and frequently show the longitudinal fibrils of which they are composed, gradually widen distally, frequently close at the shell, into deep broad terminal expansions with completely and irregularly reticulate walls and continuous smooth or finely serrated outer edges.
Dimensions: Holotype - Shell 70 Ám, overall 210 Ám, appendages c.50 Ám.

Cookson and Eisenack, 1958, p. 43: Hystrichosphaeridium anthophorum is mophologically close to H. pulcherrimum and H. dyctioplocus. It differs from H. pulcherrimum in the more extensive reticulation of the appendages and the entire edge of the terminal expansion, and from H. dyctioplocus in the shorter and somewhat broader appendages and the wider mesh and continuous margin of the terminal expansions.
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