Hystrichosphaeridium coelenteratum

Hystrichosphaeridium coelenteratum Tasch, 1964

Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Oligosphaeridium?.
Tax. jr. synonym of Hystrichosphaeridium (subsequently Oligosphaeridium) irregulare Pocock, 1962, according to Stover and Evitt, 1978, which species is a tax. jr. synonym of Oligosphaeridium albertense (Pocock, 1962) Davey and Williams, 1969, according to Jansonius, 1986.

Holotype: Tasch, 1964, pl.2, fig.11
Locus typicus: Clark County, Kansas, USA
Stratum typicum: Albian

Original diagnosis: Tasch, 1964, p.195
Subovate capsule with generally slender processes, some of which are gradually constricted in the middle, expand above and below the constriction, and terminate in filamentous projections that give the entire Process a coelenterate appearance.
Dimensions: Holotype: Length 42 Ám; width 26 Ám; length of processes 10-14 Ám, thickness of processes 2-5 Ám; maximum width of terminal flare of processes 10 Ám; density of processes 0.5 per 5 Ám of edge.
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