Hystrichosphaeridium echinoides

Hystrichosphaeridium echinoides Maier, 1959

Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Baltisphaeridium, thirdly Cleistosphaeridium.
Tax. jr. synonym of Spiniferites ramosus (Ehrenberg, 1838) Loeblich Jr. and Loeblich III, 1966, according to Sarjeant, 1983.
Holotype: Maier, 1959, pl.32, figs.5-6
Locus typicus: Schwedeneck-Huestedt, N Germany
Stratum typicum: Middle Oligocene-Middle Miocene
Translation Maier, 1959: LPP

Original description: Maier, 1959, p.318
A species of the genus Hystrichosphaeridium with following characteristics: capsule oval-pear-shaped with numerous thin, simple processes.
Description: Ovale capsule with ornamentad membrane. All processes of equal length and blunt ends. Capsule densely covered with spines.
Dimensions: Diameter 90-107 µm (70-80 µm) 2 specimens.
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