Lejeunecysta hyalina

Lejeunecysta hyalina (Gerlach, 1961, p.169–171, pl.26, figs.10–11) Artzner and Dörhöfer, 1978, p.1381. Emendations: Kjellström, 1972, p.469, as Lejeunia hyalina; Sarjeant, 1984b, p.89–90, as Lejeunecysta hyalina.

Originally Lejeunia (an illegitimate generic name), subsequently (and now) Lejeunecysta.
Kjellström, 1972, emended the diagnosis of this species, as Lejeunia hyalina.

Holotype: Gerlach, 1961, pl.26, figs.10-11; Sarjeant, 1984, pl.3, fig.2
Paratype: Sarjeant, 1984
Locus typicus: Emsb³ren, NW Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Oligocene
Translation Gerlach, 1961: Sarjeant, 1984

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Lejeunecysta hyalina (Gerlach, 1961) Artzner and Dörhöfer 1978, emend. Kjellström, 1972, emend. Sarjeant, 1984b. Sarjeant (1984b) noted that Lejeunecysta hyalina is broadly rounded to subpentagonal, with very short apical horn and two larger antapical horns, set widely apart. Overall length and width approximately equal. Cingulum narrow, with raised ridges. Phragma laevigate or finely granulate, with irregular longitudinal lines running from anterior to posterior. Size: length 61-93 µm, width 61-93 µm.

Original diagnosis: Gerlach,1961, p.169: Lejeunia hyalina
Typical species of the genus Lejeunia. Apical horn and antapical horns more or less widely splayed out. Membrane thin, striped by vertically directed foldlets. Girdle furrow narrow, only slightly sunken, with distance of offset of 1/2 to 1 furrow breadth. Longitudinal furrow indicated.

Emended diagnosis: Sarjeant, 1984, p. 90
Proximate, cingulotabulate peridinioid cysts, acavate, apparently formed of autophragm only. Ambitus broadly rounded-subpentagonal, prolonged into a single, very short apical horn and two larger antapical horns, set widely apart. Overall length and overall breadth typically equal. Epitract almost hemispheroidal, surmounted by a broad-based, nipplelike apical horn; hypotract in the form of a slightly obliquely truncated cone, the horns arising from the angles. Left antapical horn slightly longer and somewhat more acute than right. Cingulum extremely narrow and bordered by raised ridges that form acute angles on the left and right flanks, imparting pentagonality to the ambitus; only slightly laevorotatory, its two ends scarcely differing in anteroposterior position. Sulcus marked by the gap between the ends of the cingulum and by an inbulge of the ventral surface that is more marked posteriorly than anteriorly. Surface of phragma laevigate or very finely granulate, marked by irregular longitudinal lines running from anterior to posterior across both surfaces of the cyst. Adjacent lines may be parallel or may converge or diverge.
Archaeopyle single-plate intercalary, type I, symmetrically positioned on the dorsal surface and formed by loss of a portion of the cyst wall equivalent to a linteloid anterior intercalary paraplate (2a) in which sides H2 and H4 are of similar size and the whole outline closely comparable to text-fig. 3A of Bujak & Davies (1983).
Dimensions. Holotype: length 93 Ám, breadth 93 Ám. Paratype A: length 84 Ám, breadth 74 Ám (slightly obliquely positioned). Paratype B: length 92 Ám, breadth 92 Ám. Range of dimensions: length 61-93 Ám (mean 85 Ám), breadth 61-93 Ám (mean 81 Ám). Measured specimens: 5.
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