Hystrichosphaeridium paradoxum

Hystrichosphaeridium paradoxum Brosius, 1963, p.41-42

Now Distatodinium. Originally Hystrichosphaeridium, subsequently Tanyosphaeridium, thirdly Oligosphaeridium?, fourthly (and now) Distatodinium, fifthly Bipolaribucina.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Distatodinium craterum, according to Fensome et al. (2009, p.31).

Holotype: Brosius, 1963, pl.4, fig.6; Fensome et al., 1995, fig.2 — p.1639.
Paratype: Brosius, 1963
Locus typicus: Stolzenbach borehole, S of Borken, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Oligocene
Translation Brosius, 1963: LPP

Original description: Brosius 1963, p. 41
Diagnosis: The cigar-shaped oval body has a tender, smooth to finely granulate
membrane. The irregularly arranged hollow processes are connected to the body with a broadened base. They vary considerably in development and length. The principally occuring process-type broadens funnel-like distally. The outer rim bears several very long, whip-like and branched appendices. Additionally, single and branched tubes occur as well. Fused bases between two processes occur regularly. In most specimens a calotte is split off as a pylome at one of the narrow
Dimensions: Holotype: L:B without processes 58:27 µm, process length 26 µm. Mean L:B without processes 60:30 µm, processes 18-50 µm. 20 specimens.
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