Pervosphaeridium intervelum

Pervosphaeridium intervelum Kirsch, 1991

Holotype: Kirsch, 1991, pl.27, figs.10-12, pl.40, fig.5; text-figs. 41a-b
Locus typicus: Marienstein, Bavaria, Germany
Stratum typicum: Early- middle Campanian
Translation Kirsch, 1991: LPP

Original diagnosis: Kirsch, 1991, p.73
Large, scolochorate, two-layered cyst with ovoidal central body and intratabular, hollow processes, which may be connected by thin septae. Processes two-layered, a simple "inner-spine" surrounded by a delicate outer-membrane. This outer membrane develops very high septae between the processes.

Original description: Kirsch, 1991, p.73
Typical are the widened, by the perforate periphragm connected processes, which may be trifurcate. Septae may reach 3/4 of the process length. The inner-spines may be reduced proximally, or may not reach the distal ends. In this case a pericoel is developed at the distal end of the process. Obvious are the slightly extended apical and single antapical processes, which are bifurcate. . The process bases may be striate or perforate. Most of the processes are distally blunted. Archaeopyle precingular (type 2P).

Kirsch, 1991, p.73: P. invtervelum differs from P. monasteriense in having less, and isolate standing processes, which may be connected by high membranes. Corradinisphaeridium horridum has no striate, perforate periphragm and has solid, smooth processes.
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