Pervosphaeridium morgenrothii

Pervosphaeridium morgenrothii (Corradini, 1973) Kirsch, 1991

Originally Lanternosphaeridium, subsequently Fibrocysta, thirdly (and now) Pervosphaeridium.
Holotype: Corradini, 1973, pl.23, fig.1
Locus typicus: Viano, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Stratum typicum: Senonian

Original diagnosis: Corradini, 1973, p. 155: Lanternosphaeridium morgenrothii
Ovoidal central body possessing smooth endophragm and fibrous periphragm. Processes well developed, slender; bases of adjacent processes often united by proximal, sometimes well developed crests. Very distinctive apical and antapical processes. Apical and antapical horns normally present on the inner body. Precingular archeopyle.

Holotype: diameter of the central body 50x82 µm, length of the processes 20-36 µm. Range: diameter of the central body 50-(56)-60x60-(67)-82 µm, length of the processes 15-(29)-40 µm.

Original description: Corradini, 1973, p. 155: Lanternosphaeridium morgenrothii
From the slightly to markedly fibrous periphragm arise long, slender processes, distally acuminate, blunted or feebly bifid. Processes, some thirty in number, are simple and taper gradually to the apex or, usually united by well developed crests. Division of two adjacent processes often takes place medially, and more rarely distally.
The ovoidal inner bodv presents normally a more or less developed short horn that protrudes into the wide bases of the apical and / or antapical processes.
The large apical process is usually medially branched in two palmate or digitate appendages which are slightly bulbous or blunted distally.
Antapical process well developed and bearing short lateral blunted appendages, terminating distally with bulbous or evexate end.
The crests connecting adjacent processes, arranged below the archeopyle, suggest sometimes a cingular pattern.
Large precingular archeopyle probably originated by the loss of two adjacent dorsal plates.

Supplemental description: Kirsch, 1991, p.74

Corradini, 1973, p. 155: Lanternosphaeridium morgenrothii
L. morgenrothii differs from L. radiatum Morgenroth by having longer processes, often acuminate distally, and a less fibrous periphragm. Superficially L. morgenrothii resembles L. mutinense and L. personatum which however have less developed crests between the processes and no fibrous periphragm.
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