Cleistosphaeridium furcillatum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cleistosphaeridium furcillatum Prössl, 1990, p.100, pl.7, figs.12,14 ex Prössl, 1992b, p.113–114. Holotype: Prössl, 1990, pl.7, figs.12,14; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.49, figs.1–2. NOW Impletosphaeridium. Originally Cleistosphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Impletosphaeridium. This name was not validly published in Prössl (1990, p.100), since that author did not specify the lodgment of the holotype. Age: Hauterivian–early Barremian.
Original description: [Prössl, 1990, p. 100]:
The chorate cyst is sphaerical to subsphaerical and consists of a smooth autophragm, which is covered by numerous bifurcate to multifurcate processes.
The solid processes are bifid, the tips can be slightly recurvate.
The processes are about 2 µm thick and smooth. From the distribution of processes no hint on tabulation, parasulcus or paracingulum is available.
The archaeopyle is apical, type tA.
The species shows similarities to C. tribuliferum but differs from this in the stronger furcation of the processes, which are more numerous and thicker, too.
Cleistosphaeridium furcillatum Prössl, 1990, p.100, pl.7, figs.12,14 ex Prössl, 1992b, p.113–114. Holotype: Prössl, 1990, pl.7, figs.12,14; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.49, figs.1–2. NOW Impletosphaeridium. Originally Cleistosphaeridium, subsequently (and now) Impletosphaeridium. This name was not validly published in Prössl (1990, p.100), since that author did not specify the lodgment of the holotype. Age: Hauterivian–early Barremian.
Original description: [Prössl, 1990, p. 100]:
The chorate cyst is sphaerical to subsphaerical and consists of a smooth autophragm, which is covered by numerous bifurcate to multifurcate processes.
The solid processes are bifid, the tips can be slightly recurvate.
The processes are about 2 µm thick and smooth. From the distribution of processes no hint on tabulation, parasulcus or paracingulum is available.
The archaeopyle is apical, type tA.
The species shows similarities to C. tribuliferum but differs from this in the stronger furcation of the processes, which are more numerous and thicker, too.