Ctenidodinium coronatum

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Ctenidodinium coronatum Prauss, 1989, p.35,37, pl.13, figs.5–8,11–12; text-fig.12. Holotype: Prauss, 1989, pl.13, figs.7–8; textfig. 12. Age: middle Callovian.


Translation Prauss, 1989: LPP

Original description: Prauss, 1989, p.35
Cyst proximate, obovoidal. Epicyst extremely flattened. Wall composed of pedium and luxuria. Cyst surface scabrate to granulate and/or perforate. Areation: cop, ?pop, cap, 4', 2a, 6'', Xc, 6''', 1p, 1'''', ns/?as, ras, rs, ls, ps, FM. Area 4''' very large. Area 1''' integrated in sulcal region and rudimentary developed, as typical for ctenidodinoid forms. On some individuals beside the anterior intercalary area, some preapical area between 2', 3'', 4'',3' and a porichnion on the finis of cap/1' were observed. Sulcal reagion weakly areate to areate. Archaeopyle: epicystal; operculum foederate, adnate. Finis of hypocyst and posterior cingularsutures developed as high, striate ridges. Distal margins of ridges psilate to weakly loricate. Finis of epicyst marked by low ridges. Apical with a small, tubercle-like thickening.
Dimensions: holotype - length 80.6 µm, bradth 94.2 µm. Hypocyst (range) length 92.1, breadth 99.2 µm (number of specimens 5).
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