Scriniodinium acroferum

Scriniodinium acroferum Prauss, 1989

NOW Endoscrinium. Originally Scriniodinium, subsequently (and now) Endoscrinium.

Holotype: Prauss, 1989, pl.14, figs.19-21
Locus typicus: near Hildesheim, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Bathonian-Callovian
Translation Prauss, 1989: LPP

Original description: Prauss, 1989, p.46
Cyst proximate/cavate. Outline ovoidal to ellipsoidal. Endoblast sphaeroidal to ellipsoidal. Wall composed of pedium and luxuria. Over largest parts of the cyst, with exception of the sulcal region, the luxuria is detached, forming the tectum. Endoblast scabrate, periblast psilate. Periblast produced apical into a subconical, weakly deliminated horn, which is typical for this species. Areation reflected on periblast: cop, pop, cap, POR, 4", 6"", Xc, 6""", 1p, 1"""", NRs. Area 1""" is very small and integrated in the sulcal area. The two small intercalry area are situated between 2", 3", 3"" and 4"". The porichnion is always developed on triple-point cap/1"/4". Periarchaeopyle precingular, 3"". Perioperculum secate. Endoarchaeopyle precingular, ?3"", endoperculum secate. Finis of periblast developed as very low ridges and/or folds, which may be irregulary ornamented with short, echinate structures. These are in general on hypocyst stronger developed.
Dimensions: diameter endoblast 66.1 µm, periblast length 90.8 µm, breadth 86.7 µm, length of apical horn 6.9 µm (range of 5 specimens)
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