Muderongia tetracantha

Muderongia tetracantha (Gocht 1957 ) Alberti 1961; Emendation: Monteil, 1991b, p.476–477, as Muderongia tetracantha.

Originally Pseudoceratium?, subsequently (and now) Muderongia.
Taxonomic junior synonym: Muderongia crucis, according to Morgan (1980, p.28) — however, Jansonius (1982, p.16) retained Muderongia crucis

Holotype: Gocht, 1957, pl.18, fig.7
Locus typicus: Emsland, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Hauterivian
Translation Gocht, 1957: LPP

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Muderongia tetracantha (Gocht, 1957) Alberti, 1961, emend. Monteil, 1991b. According to Monteil (1991b), Cysts proximate, compressedd dorsoventrally, two layered, cornucavate. Pericyst ceratioid, symmetrical with 4 prominent tapered horns: 1 apical (axial, type AP 1), 2 subequal lateral (curved, type L IV), not indented, 1 antapical (axial, type ATP I). Left lateral horn may be slightly more reduced than the right one. Postcingular extension long. Distal extremities closed and pointed; proximal extremities narrow. Endocyst oval to rhombic. Periphragm thin, psilate to scabrate; sometimes finely perforated in the distal two-thirds of the horns; small perforations not organized or arranged in few rows. Endophragm thin, psilate to granulate. Archeopyle apical, type (4A), with angular margin. Parasulcal notch marked. Operculum free. Paratabulation indicated only by archeopyle, by paracingulum and by perisulcus. Formula: ?pr, 4', 0a, 6". Pericingulum suggested by the lateral horns. Perisulcus marked by parasulcal notch offset. Muderongia tetracantha differs from M.staurota and M.crucis in having lateral horns of cuved type (Type L IV) rather than bent type (Type L II). Size: holotype length 260 µm width 75 µm.

Original diagnosis: Gocht, 1957, p.168: Pseudoceratium tetracanthum
Shell elongated, nearly bilateral symmetrical, with four long horns: apical horn, two lateral horns and antapical horn. Lateral horns curved to antapex, shell smooth and without ornamentation.

Supplemental description: Alberti, 1961, p. 14
Shell flattened, sometimes weakly bended, rombic-oval in outline. With four very long, at the base widened, horn-like processes. The rudiment of the second lateral horn is indicated by a little buge near the first lateral horn. Lateral horn +/- strongly developed.

Emended diagnosis: Monteil, 1991, p. 476-477
Cysts proximate, compressed dorso-ventrally, two-layered, cornucavate. Pericyst ceratioid, symmetrical, with 4 prominent tapered horns: 1 apical (axial, type AP l); 2 subequal lateral (curved, type L IV), not indented; 1 antapical (axial, type ATP 1). Left lateral horn may be slightly more reduced than the right one. Postcingular extension long. Distal extremities closed and pointed proximal extremities narrow. Endocyst oval to rhombic. Periphragm thin, psilate to scabrate; sometimes finely perforated in the distal two-thirds of the horns; small perforations not organized or arranged in few rows. Endophragm thin, psilate to granulate. Archeopyle apical, type (4A), with angular margin. Parasulcal notch marked. Operculum free. Paratabulation indicated only by archeopyle, by paracingulum and by perisulcus. Formula: ?pr, 4', 0a, 6". Pericingulum suggested by the lateral horns. Perisulcus marked by parasulcal notch offset.

Monteil, 1991, p. 477: Muderongia tetracantha emend. differs from M. staurota and M. crucis in having lateral horns of curved Type (type L IV) rather than bent Type (Type L ll).
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