Phallocysta thomasii

Phallocysta thomasii Smelror, 1991

Holotype: Smelror, 1991, pl.1, fig.16
Paratype: Smelror, 1991
Locus typicus: Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea Region
Stratum typicum: Aalenian-Bajocian

Original description: Smelror, 1991, p. 175
Proximate dinoflagellate cyst, peridinioidal, more or less elongated in overall outline. The epicyst is coniform tapering into an (often prominent) apical horn. Hypocyst generally rounded with two moderately well developed half-ovaloid protrusions. Cyst wall with numerous small uniformly distributed spines (mostly accuminate/evexate, but occasionally also capitate). No clear evidence of paratabulation has been observed, except for the archeopyle, which is anterior intercalary type 3I (i.e. comprising the 1a + 2a + 3a plates). Dimensions: Length 45-56 µm, (hypocyst) width 22-40 µm.

Smelror, 1991, p. 175: Phallocysta eumekes Dörhöfer & Davies (1980), P. erregulensis (Filotoff) Stover & Helby 1987 and P. minuta Prauss 1989 differ from Phallocysta thomasi sp.nov. in being epicavate and not possessing any prominent ornamentation. Phallocysta fiommernensis Below 1987 is proximate but has a well developed scabrate ornamentation.
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