Prolixosphaeridium floccus

Prolixosphaeridium floccum Stancliffe, 1991, p. 194, 196

Holotype: Stancliffe, 1991, pl.2, figs.1-2; text-figs. 8A-B
Locus typicus: Isle of Skye, Scotland
Stratum typicum: Late Oxfordian

Original diagnosis: Stancliffe, 1991, p. 194
Elongate ellipsoidal proximochorate cyst, its surface covered with coarse granules. Processes sparse (circa. 40-50 on cysts without attached archeopyles) flexible and fairly long (up to a third of the cyst"s breadth); they can be flared at their bases, tapering distally, straight, synodal or bent at right angles (especially the processes near the antapex). Process tips are closed, typically acuminate, rarely blunt. Tabulation indicated by the six plates of the archeopyle and on well preserved specimens a sulcus is discernable. A faint cingulum may also be indicated by two lines of enlarged granules between which is an area devoid of processes.

Stancliffe, 1991, p. 194: It was initially difficult to distinguish this species from
Prolixosphaeridium parvispinum. The low number of processes, their clustering near the antapex accompanied by the lack of distinct secondary processes and the development of a discernible cingulum and sulcus is unique to this species.
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