Corrudinium obscurum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Corrudinium obscurum Wilson, 1988, p.16, pl.4, figs.3a–b,6a–b. Holotype: Wilson, 1988, pl.4, figs.6a–b; Fensome et al., 1996, figs.3–4 — p.2249. Age: Early Eocene.
Original description: Wilson, 1988, p. 16
Cyst small to intermediate, subspherical, fairly thick-walled (c. 2µm) without apical horn and apparently comprises autophragm only. Parasutural septa relatively low (up to 5µm height), irregular and indistinct, especially on ventral surface. Intratabular ornament very prominent, comprises both irregular, discontinuous septa, and solid slender spines, apparently randomly distributed; cyst has a somewhat spongy reticulate pattern. Archeopyle relatively large, type P; operculum free. Paracingulum well defined on dorsal surface by relatively smooth, depressed area (width 3-4 µm). Paratabulation poorly defined but the second, third and fourth precingular and postcingular paraplates can usually be recognised. Ventral paratabulation and parasulcus indistinct. Dimensions: Holotype: length 51µm, breadth 51µm; Range: diameter 39 (51) 54 µm, (n= 10 ).
Wilson, 1988, p. 16: Corrudinium obscurum is distinguished by its prominent, somewhat irregular, intratabular ornamentation and indistinct parasutural septa.
Corrudinium obscurum Wilson, 1988, p.16, pl.4, figs.3a–b,6a–b. Holotype: Wilson, 1988, pl.4, figs.6a–b; Fensome et al., 1996, figs.3–4 — p.2249. Age: Early Eocene.
Original description: Wilson, 1988, p. 16
Cyst small to intermediate, subspherical, fairly thick-walled (c. 2µm) without apical horn and apparently comprises autophragm only. Parasutural septa relatively low (up to 5µm height), irregular and indistinct, especially on ventral surface. Intratabular ornament very prominent, comprises both irregular, discontinuous septa, and solid slender spines, apparently randomly distributed; cyst has a somewhat spongy reticulate pattern. Archeopyle relatively large, type P; operculum free. Paracingulum well defined on dorsal surface by relatively smooth, depressed area (width 3-4 µm). Paratabulation poorly defined but the second, third and fourth precingular and postcingular paraplates can usually be recognised. Ventral paratabulation and parasulcus indistinct. Dimensions: Holotype: length 51µm, breadth 51µm; Range: diameter 39 (51) 54 µm, (n= 10 ).
Wilson, 1988, p. 16: Corrudinium obscurum is distinguished by its prominent, somewhat irregular, intratabular ornamentation and indistinct parasutural septa.