Vozzhennikovia angulata

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Vozzhennikovia angulata Wilson, 1988
Holotype: Wilson, 1988, pl.24, fig.5; Fensome et al., 1996, fig.4 — p.2031.

Locus typicus: Waipawa Section, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand
Stratum typicum: Paleocene (Teurian)


Original description: Wilson, 1988, p. 32
Cyst of intermediate size, generally circumcavate, occasionally cornucavate, relatively elongate, with angular pericyst outline. Periphragm thin, ornamented with closely-spaced thin, solid, capitate spines (length 2-4 µm); occasional areas devoid of spines, sometimes present. Endophragm thin and smooth; endocyst outline subangular, generally following pericyst outline except for horns. Short blunt apical horn usually present (length 4-6 µm). Left antapical horn well developed and pointed (length up to 15 µm); right antapical horn very short or occasionally absent (length up to 3 µm). Archeopyle fairly prominent, hexagonal, Type 1a; operculum remains attached posteriorly, perioperculum and endoperculum not separated. Paracingulum usually well defined by low parallel ridges (breadth 3-4 µm). Parasulcus poorly defined by narrow depression on ventral hypocyst. Dimensions: Holotype: overall length 73 µm, breadth 68 µm, apical horn 4 µm, left antapical horn 14 µm, right antapical horn 3 µm. Range: overall length 54(71)93 µm, breadth 46(61)73 µm (n= 10).

Wilson, 1988, p. 32: Vozzhennikovia angulata is distinguished from the type species by its sharply angular pericyst outline, its slender capitate spines, and by usually possessing a short right antapical horn. The spines are not considered to be arranged in intratabular clusters, although smooth areas (pandasutural areas?) sometimes occur and may indicate a partial paratabulation.
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