Barbatacysta lemoignei

Barbatacysta lemoignei, Courtinat, 1989

Taxonomic senior synonym: Sentusidinium (now Barbatacysta) brevispinosum, according to Courtinat in Fauconnier and Masure (2004, p.83).

Holotype: Courtinat, 1989, pl.21, fig.17; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.11, fig.5.
Locus typicus: Champfromier, Jura, France
Stratum typicum: Oxfordian

Original description: [Courtinat, 1989, p.186]: (Translation: LPP)

Apteate cyst, with an ovoidal autophragm. The numerous processes are grouped in intratabular position. The groupings are separated by pandasutural bands which indicate a gonyaulacacean paratabulation identical to that of the genus Barbatacysta.
The processes are conical to buccinate with rarely capitate, more often capitate or faintly bifurcate tips. The sulcus lacks processes.
The cyst wall is chagrinate to scabrate.
The archaeopyle is apical: accessory archaeopyle sutures are moderately developed. The operculum is simple multiplated.

width of the cyst 39-56 µm.

B. brevispinosa and B. lemoignei are closely related. They differ in the length of the processes which do not exceed 1/20 of the cyst width in B. brevispinosa, whilst in B. lemoignei they correspond with 1/10 the cyst width. The nature of the processes also permits a differentiation of the two species: in B. lemoignei the conical processes are rare, whilst they are abundant in B. brevispinosa. A form similar to B. lemoignei was described as Sentusidinium cf. creberbarbatum by Erkmen and Sarjeant (1980).
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