Barbatacysta verrucosa

Barbatacysta verrucosa, (Sarjeant, 1968), Courtinat, 1989

Originally Tenua Eisenack, 1958, subsequently Batiacasphaera, thirdly Sentusidinium, fourthly (and now) Barbatacysta.

Holotype: Sarjeant, 1968, pl.1, fig.17; pl.2, figs.3,6
Locus typicus: Villers-sur-Mer, Falaise des Vaches Noires, France
Stratum typicum: Marnes de Dives (L. lamberti Zone), Upper Callovian

Original description as Tenua verrucosa: [Sarjeant, 1968, p. 232]:

Shell spheroidal to broadly ovoidal, densely granular and bearing a close set stubble-like cover of squat spines, briefly branched and so short (less than 1 µm) that the shell has a warty appearance. Spine character is seen clearly only at the margins; they have short broad stalks and 2-4 recurved branches, the branches varying in length. Spines are lacking from cingulum and sulcus, both of which are narrow. Margin of archaeopyle scalloped, with a pronounced sulcal notch.

Holotype: length (apex lacking) 35 µm, breadth 41 µm.
Range: overall length (apices lacking) 35-45 µm, breadth 41-50 µm.
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