Cyclonephelium hystrix
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Tenua hystrix (Eisenack, 1958a, p.410, pl.23, figs.1–4; text-fig.10) Davey, 1978, p.894.
Emendation: Sarjeant, 1985a, p.94–95, as Tenua hystrix. Holotype: Eisenack, 1958a, pl.23, fig.1; Sarjeant, 1985a, pl.10, fig.5; Sarjeant, 1992b, fig.1; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.80, fig.3; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.18F.
NOW Tenua Eisenack. Originally (and now) Tenua Eisenack, subsequently Cyclonephelium.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Tenua hystricella, according to Eisenack and Kjellström (1972, p.1039); Cyclonephelium (as Cerbia) tabulata, according to Sarjeant (1985a, p.95–96; 1992b, p.681).
Backhouse (1988, p.83) considered Circulodinium hirtellum to be a possible taxonomic junior synonym of this species. Sarjeant and Stover (1978, p.52) also proposed this combination. NIA.
Age: Aptian.
Original diagnosis: Eisenack, 1958, p.410: Tenua hystrix
A species of Tenua of 75-105 µm length and about 65-97 µm breadth. The spinelets are, on the sarne individual, mostly rather constant in length, varying however-from 2-10 µm length; they are at their tips either thickened in knoblike fashion or briefly branched; only rarely do the short, clublike branch-prongs show secondary division.
Supplemental description: Mao Shaozhi and Norris, 1988, p. 33
Cyst dorsoventrally flattened, truncated-circular to semicircular in shape with no apical plates, usually more or less asymmetrical. Wall surface covered with stout, rigid, and densely and uniformly distributed nontabular processes; expanded proximally and slightly expanded or capitate distally; usually 1-2 µm (rarely up to 5 µm) long, 0.5-2 µm wide. Archeopyle apical, type (tA).
Operculum usually detached; archeopyle suture zigzag with accessory sutures indicating six precingular plates.
Tenua hystrix (Eisenack, 1958a, p.410, pl.23, figs.1–4; text-fig.10) Davey, 1978, p.894.
Emendation: Sarjeant, 1985a, p.94–95, as Tenua hystrix. Holotype: Eisenack, 1958a, pl.23, fig.1; Sarjeant, 1985a, pl.10, fig.5; Sarjeant, 1992b, fig.1; Fauconnier and Masure, 2004, pl.80, fig.3; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.18F.
NOW Tenua Eisenack. Originally (and now) Tenua Eisenack, subsequently Cyclonephelium.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Tenua hystricella, according to Eisenack and Kjellström (1972, p.1039); Cyclonephelium (as Cerbia) tabulata, according to Sarjeant (1985a, p.95–96; 1992b, p.681).
Backhouse (1988, p.83) considered Circulodinium hirtellum to be a possible taxonomic junior synonym of this species. Sarjeant and Stover (1978, p.52) also proposed this combination. NIA.
Age: Aptian.
Original diagnosis: Eisenack, 1958, p.410: Tenua hystrix
A species of Tenua of 75-105 µm length and about 65-97 µm breadth. The spinelets are, on the sarne individual, mostly rather constant in length, varying however-from 2-10 µm length; they are at their tips either thickened in knoblike fashion or briefly branched; only rarely do the short, clublike branch-prongs show secondary division.
Supplemental description: Mao Shaozhi and Norris, 1988, p. 33
Cyst dorsoventrally flattened, truncated-circular to semicircular in shape with no apical plates, usually more or less asymmetrical. Wall surface covered with stout, rigid, and densely and uniformly distributed nontabular processes; expanded proximally and slightly expanded or capitate distally; usually 1-2 µm (rarely up to 5 µm) long, 0.5-2 µm wide. Archeopyle apical, type (tA).
Operculum usually detached; archeopyle suture zigzag with accessory sutures indicating six precingular plates.