Cordosphaeridium diktyoplokum ssp. diktyoplokum
Cordosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus
Autonym. Now redundant.
Originally Hystrichosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus, subsequently Cordosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus, thirdly Areosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus.
Holotype: Klumpp, 1953, pl.18, fig.3-4
Locus typicus: Borehole at Wührden, Holstein, Germany
Stratum typicum: Eocene
Original description as Hystrichosphaeridium diktyoplokus: [Klumpp 1953, p. 392]: (Translation: LPP):
A species of the genus Hystrichospaeridium with the next characteristic features: The membrane of the shell is one-layered; more or less reticulate ornamented; the processes are bulges of the membrane.
The spherical shell is fragile and very transparent. In spite of their slenderness, the processes are merely tubular bulges of the membrane. The processes end in a sort of soft reticulate collar.
Autonym. Now redundant.
Originally Hystrichosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus, subsequently Cordosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus, thirdly Areosphaeridium diktyoplokus ssp. diktyoplokus.
Holotype: Klumpp, 1953, pl.18, fig.3-4
Locus typicus: Borehole at Wührden, Holstein, Germany
Stratum typicum: Eocene
Original description as Hystrichosphaeridium diktyoplokus: [Klumpp 1953, p. 392]: (Translation: LPP):
A species of the genus Hystrichospaeridium with the next characteristic features: The membrane of the shell is one-layered; more or less reticulate ornamented; the processes are bulges of the membrane.
The spherical shell is fragile and very transparent. In spite of their slenderness, the processes are merely tubular bulges of the membrane. The processes end in a sort of soft reticulate collar.