Cordosphaeridium reticulatum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cordosphaeridium reticulatum He Chengquan, 1991, p.163–164, pl.20, figs.6–7; text-fig.36. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.20, fig.7. Age: Paleocene–Early Eocene.
Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Small body, oval. Wall thickness about 1μm; Inner wall smooth, and sometimes the edge is a little soft and crumpled so that it was significantly separated from the outer wall; The outer wall is rope shaped or fibrous reticular. There are more than 20 long processes, formed by the outer wall, banding or trumpet shape, intensively fibrous, distally slightly expanded, the edge of the end is complete or fibrous diffuse, a small number of the fibers are slightly thickened or bifurcated; The length of the processes is consistent, but the width varies, generally 2-4μm wide; Occasionally, there are linear processes, which may be related to the scatter of the fibrous large processes. Processes intratabular, one on each plate. The archeopyle precingular, formed by the movement of the third precingular plate. Cover free.
The total diameter is 90-95μm, body length 52-55μm, width 44-50μm, process length 20-30μm (measured 2); the total diameter of the holotype is about 90μm, body length 52μm, width 44μm, process length 20-25μm.
Comparison: This species differs from Cordosphaeridium (Cordosphaeridium) gracile in the characteristics of a thin wall and no "Y" branches; It differs from C. (C.) Inodes in a small body, obviously narrow processes, the holotype of the latter has vertical fibrous structure on the outer wall, the processes are wide and long.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Qimugen fm upper part of the lower member.
Cordosphaeridium reticulatum He Chengquan, 1991, p.163–164, pl.20, figs.6–7; text-fig.36. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.20, fig.7. Age: Paleocene–Early Eocene.
Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Small body, oval. Wall thickness about 1μm; Inner wall smooth, and sometimes the edge is a little soft and crumpled so that it was significantly separated from the outer wall; The outer wall is rope shaped or fibrous reticular. There are more than 20 long processes, formed by the outer wall, banding or trumpet shape, intensively fibrous, distally slightly expanded, the edge of the end is complete or fibrous diffuse, a small number of the fibers are slightly thickened or bifurcated; The length of the processes is consistent, but the width varies, generally 2-4μm wide; Occasionally, there are linear processes, which may be related to the scatter of the fibrous large processes. Processes intratabular, one on each plate. The archeopyle precingular, formed by the movement of the third precingular plate. Cover free.
The total diameter is 90-95μm, body length 52-55μm, width 44-50μm, process length 20-30μm (measured 2); the total diameter of the holotype is about 90μm, body length 52μm, width 44μm, process length 20-25μm.
Comparison: This species differs from Cordosphaeridium (Cordosphaeridium) gracile in the characteristics of a thin wall and no "Y" branches; It differs from C. (C.) Inodes in a small body, obviously narrow processes, the holotype of the latter has vertical fibrous structure on the outer wall, the processes are wide and long.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Qimugen fm upper part of the lower member.