Cordosphaeridium tianshanense

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cordosphaeridium tianshanense He Chengquan, 1991, p.164, pl.18, figs.4–7. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.18, fig.4. Age:
Middle Eocene.


Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Body oval-ellipse, length larger than width. Wall thickness 1.5μm, the inner wall is smooth, the outer surface is fibrous reticular. There are many long processes, 20-30μm long, formed by the outer wall, mostly wide (2.5-5μm), hollow, distally open and widened to trumpet-shaped. Some of its mouth edge is intact, smooth or with particles and small incision, and some are fine dentate; The handle of the process has fibrous reticular structure, more brittle, easy to break; A few processes are fine, mostly limited to the apex and precingular area, 1-2μm wide, solid , there are 4 apical processes, 2-3 precingular processes. Processes intratabular, 1 or occasionally 2 on each plate. Archeopyle outline horseshoe or trapezoid, precingular, formed by the movement of the third precingular plate. Operculum preserved in situ. The body length 75-80μm, width 62-65μm (measured 3); Holotype body length 80μm, width 62μm. This species is similar to Cordosphaeridium (Cordosphaeridium) commune, but the latter’s processes are solid, ends obviously pointed edge, connected by coronal ridges basally.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Wulagen fm.
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