Cribroperidinium kashiense

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cribroperidinium kashiense (He Chengquan, 1991, p.108–109, pl.4, figs.34–37) Lentin and Williams, 1993, p.138. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.4, fig.37. Originally Millioudodinium, subsequently (and now) Cribroperidinium. Age: Paleocene–Eocene.


Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: the outline is round-rhombus, length larger than width, the upper and lower cyst are nearly equal. The upper cyst is a little conical, sides slightly convex, or concave at the base of the apical horn; The apical horn is short, conical-nearly cylindrical, 5-10μm long; Lower cyst semicircular, lack of antapical horn. The cingulum is at the equatorial position, shallow concave, spiral, width 4.-5μm, its edge is decorated with fine ridge; Ridge is higher, short spike-like extending outside laterally, length around 2μm. The sulcus is not clear. The tabulation has been displayed more or less, marked by the pandasutural band; The pandasutural band consists of two ridges, or wrinkle. The apex is small, pre- and postcingular area is large, the basic tabulation may be 3 '?, 6", 5-6"', 1"", the other tabulates can not be identified. Cyst wall thickness is medium, autophragm or two layered; the outer wall surface is weak-fine granular, usually corroded incompleted reticular; the inner wall is thicker than the outer wall when it can be seen, usually they are attached closely to each other. The archeopyle precingular, P-type, formed by the movement of the third piece of the precingular plates (3"). The operculum is attached to the edge of the archeopyle. Cyst length 72.5-82.5μm, width 57-77μm (measured 5); Holotype length 80μm, width 72.5μm, apical horn length 5μm, cingulum width 4.5μm.
Comparison: This new species is similar to Millioudodinium tenuitabulatum (Gerlach, 196 i), but the latter’s tabulation is marked by weak linear ridges rather than pandatabular band.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County, Basebulak; Qimugen fm and Basebulak fm second and third members.
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