Cyclonephelium ambiguum
From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium? ambiguum He Chengquan, 1991, p.135, pl.28, figs.7–8. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.28, fig.7; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.20D. NOW Spiniferites?. Originally Cyclonephelium?, subsequently (and now) Spiniferites? Questionable assignment: He Chengquan (1991, p.135). Taxonomic junior synonym: Cyclonephelium? tarimense, according to Fensome et al. (2019a, p.55). Age: Paleocene.
Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Oval body, length larger than width. Thin wall, the surface is smooth. Approximately two types of processes: One is a kind of big wide processes, flat and hollow, distally open, the ends with two duckbill-shaped branches or spines, the number of processes visible on different specimens varies, generally 2-4, length 15μm, the middle part width 5-6μm, they seem to be distributed only on the edge of the body; The other kind is small, not many, often at the edge of the body or on an annular ‘groove’near the edge, absent in the middle of the dorsal-ventral sides, their ends are simple or finger-branched, and the ends of the branches are simple. Two types of processes are brittle, easy to break. Archeopyle apical, (tA) type, formed by the movement of the apex, the edge is angular, diameter 38-47.5μm. Operculum preserved in situ, process absent on it. The body length 63μm, width 50-60μm (measured 2 ), the hootype length 62μm width 50μm.
Note: This type of specimens may belong to a new genus, which is currently in the genus under question.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Qimugen fm lower member.
Cyclonephelium? ambiguum He Chengquan, 1991, p.135, pl.28, figs.7–8. Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.28, fig.7; Fensome et al., 2019a, fig.20D. NOW Spiniferites?. Originally Cyclonephelium?, subsequently (and now) Spiniferites? Questionable assignment: He Chengquan (1991, p.135). Taxonomic junior synonym: Cyclonephelium? tarimense, according to Fensome et al. (2019a, p.55). Age: Paleocene.
Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Oval body, length larger than width. Thin wall, the surface is smooth. Approximately two types of processes: One is a kind of big wide processes, flat and hollow, distally open, the ends with two duckbill-shaped branches or spines, the number of processes visible on different specimens varies, generally 2-4, length 15μm, the middle part width 5-6μm, they seem to be distributed only on the edge of the body; The other kind is small, not many, often at the edge of the body or on an annular ‘groove’near the edge, absent in the middle of the dorsal-ventral sides, their ends are simple or finger-branched, and the ends of the branches are simple. Two types of processes are brittle, easy to break. Archeopyle apical, (tA) type, formed by the movement of the apex, the edge is angular, diameter 38-47.5μm. Operculum preserved in situ, process absent on it. The body length 63μm, width 50-60μm (measured 2 ), the hootype length 62μm width 50μm.
Note: This type of specimens may belong to a new genus, which is currently in the genus under question.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Qimugen fm lower member.