Cyclonephelium australe

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Cyclonephelium autralis (Pöthe de Baldis, 1966, p.225, pl.1, fig.h) Heisecke, 1970, p.252. Holotype: Pöthe de Baldis, 1966, fig.h. NOW Membranilarnacia?. Originally Membranilarnax, subsequently Cyclonephelium, thirdly Membranilarnacia, fourthly (and now) Membranilarnacia?. Age: early Tertiary.


Original diagnosis: Pöthe de Baldis, 1966, p.225: Membranilarnax australis
General outline of the specimen is subcircular. The outline of the central body is oval and the body"s membrane is relatively thick. The external membrane is thin and plain, with small processes which split from the base of the body. The pylome is broad and of irregular shape.

Description: Pöthe de Baldis, 1966, p.225: Membranilarnax australis
The external membrane which surrounds the body, with the exception of the aperture, is thin and smooth, and is held up by small processes whose terminal extreme on the border of the membrane is enlarged in the form of a funnel, without ramifications.
Dimensions: Holotype: Central body 66x55 µm. Total diameter 93.5x71.5 µm, pylome 44 µm, process breadth 2.2 µm.
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