Glomodinium cerebraloides

Glomodinium "cerebraloides" Århus et al., 1989, p.45, figs.4a-d.

Holotype: Århus et al., 1989, fig.4a. NOW Evansia. Originally Glomodinium, subsequently (and now) Evansia. Age: late Mid-early Late Callovian

Original description (Århus et al., 1989)

Holotype: Core 3, 17.00 m, slide l, England Finder reference B27 /3, fig. 4a; Callovian.
Paratypes: Nine specimens from core 3 offshore
Helgeland, Norway. Callovian.
Occurrence: One to three specimens per slide are found at 23.55, 21.32, 17.00, 15.50, 12.40, and
8.16 m in core 3 (late Middle-early Late Callovian) to the west of Vega, Helgeland, Norway (65°38.4'N ,10°59.2'E).

Description: Proximate cysts with ovoidal main body and stout tapering blunt horns 5-12 µm long. Overall dimensions 56-65 x 33-43 µm. Wall 1-2µm thick, inner layer dense, outer layer thicker than inner, very characteristically rugate, slightly thickened around tip of apical horn; archeopyle intercalary, type 31. Some or all of the three hexagonal opercular pieces often occur in place. If lost, this weakens the cysts so much that they
may break off at the ventral side and apparently have apical archeopyles. No paraplate pattern determined except in the intercalary series.

Remarks: This species is easily recognized on the basis of its characteristic rugate wall ornament. Measured overall dimensions in µm: 65 x 43, 65X41, 62 x 33, 60 x 37, 59 x 40, 56 x 41, 56 X 33.
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