Spiniferites ramosus

Spniferites ramosus (Ehrenberg 1838) Loeblich and Loeblich 1966; emend. Davey and Williams 1966

Originally Xanthidium ramosum (acritarch), subsequently (and now) Spiniferites ramosus, thirdly Hystrichosphaera ramosa, fourthly Ovum hispidum subsp. ramosum (combination not validly published, acritarch), fifthly Bion ramosum (acritarch). Sarjeant (1970, p.75) retained this species in Spiniferites.
Taxonomic junior synonyms: Xanthidium (as Hystrichosphaera) furcatum, according to Davey and Williams (1966a, p.29–33); Galea korykos and Hystrichosphaeridium echinoides, both according to Sarjeant (1983, p.91–92); Areoligera birama, according to Morgenroth (1968, p.550); Geodia? tripunctata, by implication in Sarjeant (1964a, p.175), who considered Geodia? tripunctata to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Xanthidium (as Hystrichosphaera) furcatum; Hystrichosphaera (subsequently Spiniferites) bulloidea, according to Harland (1977b, p.101–102) — however, Lentin and Williams (1981, p.259) retained Hystrichosphaera (as Spiniferites) bulloidea; Homotryblium distinctum, according to Jain and Garg (1982, p.69), who considered Homotryblium distinctum to be a taxonomic junior synonym of Spiniferites ramosus subsp. ramosus.
Motile equivalent: Gonyaulax spinifera (Claparède and Lachmann, 1859) Diesing, 1866, according to Dodge (1989, p.289).
The validity/authorship of this name may need to be reconsidered as it appears that Ehrenberg (1837b) did not provide a description.

Holotype: not designated by Ehrenberg, 1838
Lectotype: Ehrenberg, 1838, pl.1, fig.5, designated by Davey and Williams, 1966
Locus typicus: Feuerstein von Delitzsch, no. XXV, Germany
Stratum typicum: Late Cretaceous

G.L. Williams short notes on species, Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinocyst course, Urbino, Italy, May 17-22, 1999 - LPP VIEWER CD-ROM 99.5.

Spiniferites ramosus (Ehrenberg, 1839) Mantell, 1854, emend. Davey and Williams, 1966a. Emendation from Davey and Williams (1966a, p.32). It possesses a thin-walled central body, smooth, reticulate or granulate. Gonal with or without intergonal processes always extending beyond confines of sutural crests, solid or hollow, the latter closed distally. Typical gonal processes trifurcate, sutural processes bifurcate, both commonly terminating distally in a small bifurcation. Size: holotype, diameter of central body 42 by 48 µm, length of processes 13-25 µm.

Emended diagnosis: Davey and Williams, 1966, p. 32: Hystrichosphaera ramosa
A species of Hystrichosphaera possessing a thin walled central body, smooth, reticulate or granular. Gonal +/- sutural processes always extending beyond confines of sutural crests, solid or hollow, the latter closed distally, Typical gonal processes trifurcate, sutural processes bifurcate, both commonly terminating distally in a small bifurcation.
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