Thalassiphora chinensis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Thalassiphora chinensis He Chengquan, 1991, p.124–125, pl.11, figs.8–9.
Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.11, figs.8–9.
Age: Early Eocene.

Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
Description: Central body ventral-dorsal flattened, outline nearly circular or oval, wall thickness 1 μm. The outer wall is membranous and the width around the central body varies little in or widens at the waist position, the surface is granular or various length wrinkles or incompletely reticular. The edges are often crumpled; There is a braided process (horn) extending from the edge of the apex and antapex respectively, 10-15 μm long, solid, there are lateral short rod-spikes, the apical horn is thick, top blunt, and the antapical horn thin, the end with small bifurcates. There may be some members on the film that are related to the tabulation. Cingulum at equator, boundary blurred, ring-shaped, 6-7.5 μm wide, sulcus shallow grooved, limited under the cingulum but not to the edge of the antapex. Archeopyle precingular, P-type, located under the apex, outline wide square. Operculum off. Total lengh 85-115 μm width 60-80 μm, film width 5-8 μm; The total length of the holotype 100 μm, width 80 μm, the central body diameter 65 μm, film width 8 μm, the apical antapical horn length 12-15 μm. Comparison: This new species is different from the known species of this genus in blaided apical antapical horns; It is similar to Kenleyia lophophora, but the former’s outer wall is membranous and lacks fibrous processes cluster.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak; Qimugen upper member.
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