Trinovantedinium papula

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Trinovantedinium papula de Verteuil and Norris, 1992, p.415–416, pl.5, figs.1–9.
Holotype: de Verteuil and Norris, 1992, pl.5, figs.1–3. NIA.

Locus typicus: Claremont Manor Member of the Eastover Formation, southeast of Cobham Wharf, south bank of the James River
Stratum typicum: Late Miocene


Original diagnosis: De Verteuil and Norris, 1992, p. 415
Intermediate, proximochorate, pigmented, protoperidiniacean cysts compressed dorsoventrally with a rounded to rounded pentagonal outline. Irregularly penitabular and intratabular tapering hollow spines that are distally acuminate to capitate, or less commonly bifurcate, arise from a psilate or shagreenate periphragm. Unevenly distributed solid verrucae may also occur, often concentrated in the posterior ventral region. Processes may sometimes be joined by low folds and the cingulum is marked by two discontinuous rows of spines.

Original description: De Verteuil and Norris, 1992, p. 415
Epicyst and hypocyst are rounded convex so that a rounded pentagonal dorsoventral compression is often imperfect. Antapical lobes are poorly developed or absent but are usually marked by an amalgamation of complex processes. The apex is rounded and often bears one or a pair of associated complex processes that are 4-6 µm high. Penitabular processes form linear complexes that may be proximally joined by low, discontinuous lists. These processes tend in cross section to be taeniate, or flattened, parallel to the plane of alignment. Intratabular processes are usually circular in cross section. The solid verrucae for which this species is named are 0.5-2 µm in diameter when present. If two wall layers are present they are closely adpressed, and together are less than 0.5 µm thick, so that the cysts appear autophragmal. The cingulum is not indented but is marked by two parallel rows of processes. Details of the peridinioid tabulation are uncertain. The archeopyle is symmetrical 2a isodeltaform, operculum free.
Dimensions. Length, excluding processes, 50(56)75 µm; holotype, 52 µm. Width at cingulum, 48(57)70 µm; holotype, 58 µm. Processes, 36 µm. Twenty-one specimens measured.
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