Vozzhennikovia spinalis

From Fensome et al., 2019:
Vozzhennikovia spinalis He Chenquan, 1991
Holotype: He Chengquan, 1991, pl.2, fig.23
Age: Middle Eocene


Description from He Chengquan, 1991, translated by Suning Hou, 07-01-2019
1980b Vozzhennikovia villosa (Eisenack et Cookson), Burger, p.85 pl.45, figs. 1,2.
Description The cyst is dorsal-ventral flattened, outline oval - rounded pentagonl, length larger than width. It Is divided into nearly equal parts by the cingulum: epicyst triangular , side straight, with a short apical horn, cylindrical, top flat; Hypocyst inverted trapezoidal, the bottom edge is a hypotenuse, with a blunt cone antapical horn on one side, about 4μm long, another completely degenerated. Cingulum shallow and flat, annular, width 6μm, equatorial position, the edge is marked by fine ridgs, The sulcus is limited to the hypocyst; Ornamentation is reduced in cingulum and sulcus.. lack of paratabulation. Cyst wall is thin, layes not clear, with obvious\ small particles and sparse tiny spurs-like protuberances, about 1μm long. The inner body is not recognized. The archeopyle can be seen, small, intercalary, represented by the main crack. Operculum completely separated, preserved in situ. Cyst length 56μm, width 48μm.
Discussion Burger (1980b) has classified the Australian specimen resembling this new species as Vozzhennikovia villosa but it is not appropriate. Because it lacks a cingulum. This new species is recorded in the latest Early Cretaceous strata in the Surat Basin, Australia.
Location and stratigraphy: Wuqia County Basebulak west; Wuyitake bottom.
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