Peridinium crassipes forma altum
Peridinium crassipes forma altum O.Wetzel, 1933
Tax. synonym of Deflandrea (now Phelodinium) magnifica Stanley, 1965, according to Sarjeant, 1985. Phelodinium magnificum has priority at the species rank; Lentin and Williams, 1993, treated Phelodinium magnificum as the tax. sr. synonym. O. Wetzel, 1933, gave the following citation, Peridinium cf. crassipes Kofoid, forma altum n.f.
Holotype: O. Wetzel, 1933, pl. 2, figs. 8-9 illustrated two specimens, neither of which he designated as the holotype
Age: Senonian
Tax. synonym of Deflandrea (now Phelodinium) magnifica Stanley, 1965, according to Sarjeant, 1985. Phelodinium magnificum has priority at the species rank; Lentin and Williams, 1993, treated Phelodinium magnificum as the tax. sr. synonym. O. Wetzel, 1933, gave the following citation, Peridinium cf. crassipes Kofoid, forma altum n.f.
Holotype: O. Wetzel, 1933, pl. 2, figs. 8-9 illustrated two specimens, neither of which he designated as the holotype
Age: Senonian